Raised £1 million for Breast Cancer Care with Chris Evans. And a pink Rolls-Royce.
Act 1. DJ and car nut Chris Evans muses about attaching his ‘FAB 1’ number plate to a pink Rolls Royce – just like Lady Penelope’s in the Thunderbirds TV show – and using the car to raise money for breast cancer charities.
Act 2. Chris talks to Rolls-Royce and they loan him a car for a year. Rolls-Royce calls the agency and asks for our help. We share ideas with Evans, he loves ‘FAB 1 Million’ and dives into his little black book. We select Breast Cancer Care as our charity.
Act 3. There’s a stills and film shoot with Chris, Gary Barlow, Brian Cox and Mary Berry.
Act 4. Chris, Brian, Gary and James May drive the Roller from Land’s End to John O’Groats in 24 hours, followed by the national press and Radio 2.
Act 5. 12 months on, FAB 1 Million has been rented by hundreds of people for birthdays, anniversaries and just because.
And all the money goes directly to Breast Cancer Care. All £1million of it.
Highlight: The personal letter from the CEO of Breast Cancer Care thanking me for elevating their profile to one of the top three most recognised UK cancer charities.