Hands-on Creativity


Using proven Creative Problem Solving skills to meet your trickiest live challenges

“I can’t draw.” “I’m a left-brain person.” “I don’t have the time.”

Typical responses when your people are told they need to ‘get creative’ or ‘think outside the box’ to address the thorny problem that refuses to be solved by your usual methods.

Snox Is Here can take your organisation from mental blocks to free-flowing ideas with interactive, enjoyable sessions that work for everyone that works for you.

‘Hands-on Creativity’ helps widely differing personality types and thinking styles to harness the creativity inside them and work together to generate innovative answers to your messiest challenges.


Identifying true needs
Problem analysis, stakeholder mapping, using data insights.

Writing a manifesto
Your springboard, guardrail and lens; providing clarity for everyone involved.

Expansive thinking
Using proven idea-generating techniques for individuals and groups.

Focussed actions
Selecting hits, nurturing concepts, making sh*t happen.

Building a story
Effective ways of selling your ideas, internally and externally.


Your ‘Hands-on Creativity’ toolbelt

  • Loaded with easy-to-use techniques aimed at getting better thinking, faster.
  • Real-life examples and case studies.
  • Recommendations and playbook to use for future problem solving.

Course Leader Paul Snoxell will personally build and facilitate your programme.

Depending on the sessions, he could be joined by creativity experts with experience in product innovation, business strategy, communication, commercialisation, and implementation.


Three-day workshop for 10 - 50 people

One-day workshop for 8 - 50 people

Half-day hothouse for 8 - 25 people

One-day training for facilitators 

All programmes are made-to-measure (adding personalisation to existing content). Bespoke options available on request.

Using proven Creative Problem Solving skills to meet your trickiest live challenges

Give yourself an unfair advantage, every time you pitch

How to survive and thrive on the front line